Dublin, Ireland — June 2023 to August 2023

Tangent is a learning environment at Trinity College Dublin aiming to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in students by providing support through courses and accelerator programs. 🔗 About Tangent

<aside> 💡 Skills: Design (Canva), Filming, Video Editing (DaVinci Resolve)


Although I was an Operations intern, I spent a majority of my last 3 weeks of my internship contributing to the Marketing division. There, my task was to create various social media posts leading up to Demo Day for LaunchBox 2023.

🔗 About LaunchBox


Carousel Post

Created a comprehensive carousel post to describe what Demo Day is to new audiences.

edit slide 4:

what is demo day.png


Countdown Posts

Five countdown posts were made in anticipation of Demo Day.

The vivid blue tone emphasizes the different sections of words, signaling to viewers that each area is meant to be read separately, therefore allowing for important parts of the design to take up space without compromising readability. By desaturating the background image and adding a cool gray overlay, the white letters of “DEMO DAY” stand out against the now-darker and less invasive background. The program name was listed as “#LaunchBox23” at the request of the program coordinators.

Gradients were used to create some amount of depth without it looking out of place.


Elevator Pitches

Throughout the internship experience, I had the opportunity to attempt video editing.

In these series, I was tasked with making videos that were taken in horizontal resolution into vertical videos to be posted on Instagram Reels, while ensuring all students in the videos were visible.

I was also tasked with copyrighting for Tangent for the first time during this series.

Demo Day Introduction Video

This video aimed to introduce basic information about Demo Day, such as date, time, teams, and what viewers can do to get involved.
